Conflict Bay Lodge is happy with visitor arrivals

Since its door opened in December 2011, the Conflict Bay Lodge's visitors arrivals have been consistent over the past months in 2012, though there were challenges along the way.

"Conflict Bay Lodge is new in the tourism market. But having taking a bold step to make its presence locally and overseas; with my fingers dug to the bottom of my pocket is not an easy thing", said Elisha Maumamura, the owner of the Conflict Bay Lodge.

What is so rewarding from his sacrifice is the steady arrivals of those who will help the lodge to continue its operation- the guests.

Maumamura said the guests coming to the lodge include the weekenders, those coming for holidays, workshops, and business.

As a beginner, the Conflict Bay Lodge will still learn from the experiences of the current operators. Some of them have been around for years.

But one thing which has been higlighted by a marketing personnel of the Conflict Bay Lodge this week is the fact that the Conflict Bay Lodge can do good in the tourism development in Marau Sound. If all the small local operators can come together under the banner of the Hatare Marine Park and forming a regional tourism authority to coordinate their affairs, they can be even better in marketing the uniqueness and the beauty of Marau Sound to the outside world and nationally as a destination to escape the city life and enjoy the natural beauty at somewhere different.

Elisha Maumamura under his family lodge at Marau Sound. Pic: Lu Liang 2012.


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