Conflict Bay Lodge begins another year of business

This new year, 2014 marks another fruitful year for the Conflict Bay Lodge to do business.

In a message from the Managing Director of the Conflict Bay Lodge, Elijah Maumamura from Marau Sound, the completion of a new family room and dining room shows the commitment of his team to expand its markets to include couples and families.

"In the past our guests were inspired by locals; especially the local children who love to be around when the visitors were there. We want to give our guests the real Marau family life. Where their children can be cared for by our nannies and playing with local children in the real world play station- while parents are enjoying each other's company in the sea, on the beach, or snorkeling", he said.
Now you can travel as individual or with your family to have your holiday at somewhere different from the resorts and hotels, but regarded as a natural dream world.
The Solomon Airlines flights from Honiara to Marau Airport on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.


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